Title Summary Link
Homework 9.B & 10 Research Site or Article A + 2 (Additional) Progress Shots The Midterm Proposal is due April 18. This means you should be well under way (especially considering the homework you've been assigned over the past couple of weeks). Please compose a rough draft commenting on one of your cited resources and how it applies to your final project goals. Vocat Login

SOLO SCRUM: (3/26) Download SAMPLE SCRUM BOARD in Excel format.

UPDATE: (2/19) You are required to respond to FIVE of the homework readings in either OpenLab or the OpenLab Staging section of VOCAT.

EVENT: MEA Department digital fabrication workshop on Wed April 17 at 2-4 PM | REGISTER HERE

HTML/CSS + BOOTSTRAP SCREENCAST: For those of you looking to do an HTML/CSS heavy final project, you can watch my introduction to Bootstrap. WATCH NOW.

VIDEO EDITING W/ BLENDER SCREENCAST: For those of you looking to do a video based final project, you can watch my introduction to video editing with Blender. WATCH NOW.

GITHUB PAGES DEPLOYMENT SCREENCAST: This screencast walks through the process of setting up a GitHub account, downloading the GitHub desktop software, and pushing your HTML and CSS folder to a live production server via GitHub Pages. WATCH NOW.

Course Forum

The OpenLab is where open discussions will take place and reading responses will be assigned.



Homework and Final Project Deliverables. This is where you will upload your work, find instructions and documentation for specific assignments.


Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.