MMP100: Introduction to Multimedia



DESCRIPTION: This course introduces students to the fundamentals of multimedia production. In a hands-on class, students will learn the essentials of program design and authoring software in an integrated computer environment. Students will learn how to combine graphics, audio and text to create programs for industrial and educational applications.

Course Learning Goals

  1. Image Manipulation in Photoshop & GIMP - Layers, Aspect Ratio, SD vs UHD
  2. Animation, Sprites, and Spritesheets - animated assets, game engine basics, CSS Animation
  3. Audio - Create messaging with Audacity, sound effects and music with LMMS, deployment with Soundcloud
  4. Markup + Styling vs. OOP/CODE - Basics of HTML and CSS. Understanding how to seperate markup from functional "code."
  5. OpenLab EPortfolios - Specialization and collection of final project assets. Because OpenLab cannot be accessed by all students technical assignments will be collected in Vocat and reading responses will be done using OpenLab (and Vocat for those without OpenLab access).
  6. Copyright, Open Source, Open Access, Public Domain, Creative Commons - Accessing quality Open Source Software and understanding legal expectations in digital publishing.
  7. UX/UI, Research - How a digital media deliverable is revised and refactored based on best practices.
  8. Virtual Reality, Game Frameworks, Game Engines - Basic approach to exploring open source 2D and 3D game engine and animation software.

PRAXIS Homework

Midterm Proposal

Final Project + Using the Midterm Proposal as a guide, students will submit a media deliverable or set of deliverables that meet expectations laid out in Midterm Proposal.

Core Competencies 1.Students will be able to manipulate digital images 2.Students will be able to create short animations and export them to the correct format. 3.Students will be able to combine and edit audio files to create a narrative or ambience. 4.Students will be able to identify simple HTML, CSS and Javascript syntax and to understand their respective role in web development. 5.Students will be able to upload and share their creative work on the web. 6.Students will be able to identify standards for using media that meet copyright law. 7.Students will be able to plan, iterate and document their creative work. 8.Students will be able to identify core principles, terminology and contemporary uses of digital media.

REQUIRED TEXT: Free class materials are available at


Flash drives are recommended to store assignments and course materials. Sketchbooks are recommended for taking notes and brainstorming ideas.


Software used: Adobe Photoshop CC,Adobe Illustrator CC, Audacity, and the Atom text editor. Gimp, Blender, and other open source software will be allowed, though may not be available on all lab computers.

Students will use a combination of Vocat and OpenLab to post their assignment. Faculty will upload grades and comments there too, along with any other course material they see fit.

Students will need to login to the classroom computer every time the class meets. If you do not have (or cannot remember) your id and password for both/either, contact the BMCC helpdesk right away: 212-220-8379 ; RoomS141 (199 Chambers Street). You may also rest your password by going to and clicking on “Account & Password Reset”


Take advantage of BMCC’s one-on-one tutoring services (free!). Please visit BMCC’s tutoring schedule at BMCC's Learning Resource Center (


Grading is based on successful completion of all projects, quizzes, class participation and attendance. Projects must be handed in on time. Points will be deducted for work that is handed in late. Assignments may not be accepted for grading if they are late.


The maximum number of absence hours is limited to one more class hour than the contact hours as indicated in the BMCC college catalog. For example, you may be enrolled in a four hour class that meets four times a week. You are allowed five hours of absence (not five days). In the case of excessive absence, the instructor has the option to lower the grade or assign an “F” or “WU” grade.


Portfolio is a word with many meanings – in this context, it refers to the activity of collecting and presenting your best, most original, creative work. A variety of professional fields require a portfolio from an applicant to gain entry to work opportunities and further educational pursuits. Gathering a portfolio is an essential endeavor if you are an MEA Major, and at various stages on your route to graduation at BMCC there will be opportunities to present this collection to peers, faculty and industry. The projects marked with the tag Portfolio have been carefully chosen by your faculty as an item the MEA department feels should be put into a student’s portfolio collection. Students are always encouraged to include personal or freelance projects they are proud of. Save this collection in raw or native format at high resolution in a secure digital location because portfolio pieces could be revised later as you build new aesthetic and technical skills. What holds together a portfolio is not as important as what is inside it. Maintaining a directory of work you can access to build a website, instagram profile, or printed book will make this lifelong process less stressful. When a school or employer asks to ‘see your portfolio’ you’ll be ready! Because of technical issues portfolio assignments will not be assigned via OpenLab. Your Final Project and Midterm Proposal will be key portfolio elements, a selection of technical assignments found on Vocat meet portfolio piece criteria as well.